Asbestos Inspection

Proper Testing & Assessment.


Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring fibrous silicate minerals that were commonly added to residential and commercial building materials from the 1940s through the 1970s. It is a common misconception that use of asbestos has been banned. Only certain applications were banned in the United States, and its use continues today.

If asbestos is released into the atmosphere, it can be inhaled and lead to a variety of health issues, including asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma. For these reasons, proper testing and removal procedures are required when asbestos is suspected.

Typical sources of asbestos include but are not limited to:


Roofing shingles


Plaster and wallboard

Floor and ceiling tiles


Insulation from buildings, pipes, and boilers


Our asbestos inspection process.


If you suspect your building or residence has materials containing asbestos, New York State Department of Labor under Industrial Code Rule 56, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) require specific procedures to be followed for testing and abatement, before any renovation or demolition.

  1. Review of renovation plans to establish areas/materials which may be impacted.

  2. Visual identification of all suspected asbestos-containing materials within the inspection scope.

  3. Collection of bulk samples of suspected materials and submission to a NYS ELAP approved laboratory for analysis.

  4. Compile an asbestos inspection report, identifying all confirmed asbestos-containing materials’ locations, quantities, friability, and conditions.


Aurora Environmental LLC has the licenses and certifications required by New York State and the EPA to conduct an asbestos inspection.


We also provide the following asbestos-related services

  • Air Sampling

    We offer air sampling and project monitor visual inspection services to comply with New York Code Rule 56 and AHERA. We also assist contractors with OSHA compliance through developing and implementing personal monitoring and exposure assessment strategies.

  • Asbestos Project Design

    A written specification should define the contractor's scope of work and the owner's expectations. Aurora Environmental LLC has expertise in asbestos project design, including preparing specifications, site-specific variances, and producing abatement drawings.

  • Asbestos Management and Planning

    Removal of all asbestos from a facility is often not feasible or even desirable. Allow us to develop an asbestos management plan to ensure regulatory compliance and the safety of your building occupants while managing asbestos-containing materials in place.


Ready to begin your project? Take action today.